
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What music do you have?

What music do you have? – Tuesday, October 2, 2012

 I got some interesting statistics today: 
·      More than 40% of Cameroon is under the age of 15
·      AIDS prevalence is more than 20% for girls, more than 5% for boys
·      The average life expectancy is:
o   46 years old for men (a few years ago it was 54)
o   50 years old for women (used to be more than 55) 
·      1/3 of girls give birth before the age of 18

I’m in the Youth Development sector.  I figure, once I fix all of these problems, what am I going to do for the other year and a half I’m here?  A Cool Runnings style hockey team seems like a good idea, and the only way I could play in the Olympics in hockey. 

It seriously sounds a bit overwhelming though.  One of the head Peace Corps people, David, made a good point today.  We are going against a really strong door.  As hard as we hit it, we probably won’t get through.  As long as we make a crack, and let some air get in, we are doing what we can.  Not ideal, but the Peace Corps doesn’t really place you in ideal situations. 

I had a revelation in French today, I really think I understand passé compose now.  I never got the whole when to use etre or when to use avoir, thing before, and with the etre verbs, which ones you still use avoir with sometimes and why.  Yesterday I got it, and I don’t remember another French teacher ever explaining it as well as mine did here.  I still don’t think I could recite all of the Mrs Dr P Vandertramp verbs – verbs that are usually used with etre – off of the top of my head, but it’s a better start then I’ve ever had on them. 

I definitely got home late yesterday and my family was waiting for me to eat dinner, I felt pretty bad.  After joking around with them for a while and apologizing profusely they seemed fine though.  After dinner I had a beer with my host mother and played some different music for her.  She didn’t really like a lot of my music it seemed, and she asked for more female singers.  I played some Regina Spektor, Adele, and others, but she really liked my friend from college, Jene.  She gave me her CD years ago and it has been on my computer ever since.  Hear that Jene?  You just got your start in Africa! 

Apparently a lot of Cameroonians think that we are spies.  I’m not sure what we would be spying on. I think that they have some natural resources and all that, but I think most of us would probably be terrible spies.  I guess that could be the point. 

My training group seems to be different then the average group in a few ways.  We have more men then on average and more young people.  We also have a surprising amount of people who are trying to maintain relationships in The States.  No offense to those of you that this applies to, but I think you’re crazy.  I just feel like people change so much in two years, our life experiences will be so different from the other person, and it is just such a long time.  I think Joann and I made the right decision, but that doesn’t make it any easier.  I feel like I should start a pool on how long they will last, but that might be a bit messed up. 

I’m finishing this blog Wednesday morning.  The people from Bokito are here today, but so far we have still been separated all morning.  That’s nice, since we haven’t seen them in almost a week.  We also had another safety and security session, which seemed to be the exact same as the last one.  Want to know how to stay safe and secure in a developing country?  Use the same common sense you would in America.  Luckily I brought my book. 
My first Icing

My bed 

Rest of my room
At the bar again, big surprise.  


  1. I NEVER figured out passe compose. Seriously, nice work. And maybe they aren't so crazy about the spy thing--Dad's still convinced that you were hired by the CIA years ago and everything since then's been a front (JOKING)

  2. Graham,
    Im so incredibly flattered (and slightly embarrassed) that you played my music for your house mom! I'm happy to hear that Cameroon knows where its at ;) I'll have to send you some newer music sometime. I'm also pretty stoked I now know about this blog. I'm so jealous of everything you will experience in the next two years. I hope you're doing well and just know that I'll be following your blog so keep me entertained! lol Also, it really would be cool if you were a spy...

  3. Cool bed! Your room reminds me of a home visit I did in the Bronx projects. Also, Smirnoff is gross. Miss you. Immediately following reading this I changed my music to Regina. Thanks for that.

  4. Jene: Definitely send me some new stuff!

    KK: It was a small one so it wasn't too bad, definitely very sweet. Regina is awesome, but I've been on a rap kick lately.
